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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reasons for blogging

My next assignment as part of my blog triage consists of writing the reasons for having this blog, When I sat down to jot down points for this one I started thinking about how I would like for my collectors to know about my process, and how I would like to put down information with regards to some of  the techniques I was using in creating my paintings and panels, the kind of information that can never really be put up on my website I realized that while all of this was true the main reason, for my blogging attempt was that I needed a kind of public diary. I have always felt the need for a sounding board, and I believe that blogging will eventually give me the kind of feedback and ideas that I am looking for. While there is nothing more satisfying than spending hours in the studio painting or creating and enameled piece, it does become pretty much a one man show! So I guess what I am trying to achieve with blogging is to find people (readers/ friends) who would be so kind as to let me hear their comments and opinions and become a part of my art.

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